For the Power Generation Industry

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The parts and services you need...

WHEN you need them!

Detailed Supplier Profiles

Our detailed database helps you find the perfect vendor for your needs. Pick a favorite or discover someone new.

Protect Your Privacy

Don't want to disclose an outage? Buyers may contact suppliers anonymously. You only share your identity when you're ready to.

Better Results

Easily contact multiple suppliers at once. More suppliers means more options and better results.

Extensive Partner Network

One profile, everywhere...

Power Industry Marketplace profiles benefit from our extensive network of user group and media partners.

COMBINED CYCLE Journal, Apt Crowd, LLC 501F Users Group, 501D5-D5A Users Group, 501G Users Group, AOG Users Group, FT8 Users Group, FT4 Users Group, and more...

A little about us...

What is the Power Industry Marketplace?

The Power Industry Marketplace is a service provided by Apt Crowd. Since 2017, Apt Crowd has hosted the most modern user group forums in the industry. In our forums, we've noticed a growing number of requests for parts, services, and supplier recommendations.

The Power Industry Marketplace was created to serve that need. Our mission is to be the fastest and most efficient connector of buyers and sellers in the power generation industry.

We hope you enjoy this service! Start your first search now.

The Power Industry Marketplace Team


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