Capital Parts

Kingsbury, Inc.

10385 Drummond Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154 (US)


Kingsbury continues to push the limits of tilting pad fluid film bearings as rotating machinery applications and the demands of industry keep evolving. Our bearings are found in power plants, refineries and major industrial operations the world over. As the demand for more environmentally responsible energy such as cleaner burning fuels, renewable technologies and distributed energy plants continues to grow, Kingsbury will be poised to offer expert bearing solutions, just as we have for over 100 years. Our company prides itself on providing tailored solutions for unique applications, with customer-focused service and a complete toolkit of capabilities that starts with engineering and R&D, moves into manufacturing and continues through comprehensive aftermarket support.

Products & Services

Kingsbury designs and manufacturers tilting pad fluid film bearings in thrust, journal and combination configurations as well as fixed profile bearings. Kingsbury is known for its firsts - the first fluid film horizontal tilting pad bearing, the first leading-edge groove directed lubrication tilt pad bearing (LEG), and many others. We offer an exceptional array of aftermarket services for many different applications and industries. Kingsbury’s industrial bearing services provide a level of customer service and support before, during and after installation that nobody else can match.


Target Market


  • GT11N/N1/MXL
  • GT13E/E2/MXL
  • GT24
  • GT26
  • GT8/8C
  • Steam Turbines

General Electric

  • 10
  • 6B
  • 7EA
  • 7FA
  • 7HA/9HA
  • D11
  • Frame 5
  • LM2500
  • LM5000
  • LM6000
  • LMS100


  • 501D5/D5A
  • 501F
  • 701F


  • 501D5/D5A
  • 501F
  • 501G
  • 701F
  • KN Steam Turbine
  • V

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