Capital Parts
Consumable Parts

HRST, Inc.

6557 CITY WEST PKWY, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (United States)


Our engineers, technicians and designers inspect, analyze and solve HRSG and boiler related problems. This same team can then perform outage planning support and on-site field service to implement the solution. Solving problems and increasing reliability since 1998.

Products & Services


advanced inspections, drone inspections, express inspections, stack inspection, FAC Monitoring

Product Design:

access doors, viewports, burner baffle upgrades, tube tie supports, pipe penetration seals, liner systems, and spare tube kits.

Analysis/Assessments & Structural Engineering:

cycling studies, GT upgrades, HRSG condition assessments, drain studies

Technical Field Work:

construction and turnkey, tube cleaning, product installation, technical advisor services, outage guidance, NDE services

Emergency Plant Support Services:

Call us for you emergency engineering needs. We are ready and able to tackle any problem 24/7! Call +1 (888) 235-6775


Target Market


  • GT11N/N1/MXL
  • GT13E/E2/MXL
  • GT24
  • GT26
  • GT8/8C
  • Steam Turbines

General Electric

  • 10
  • 6B
  • 7EA
  • 7FA
  • 7HA/9HA
  • D11
  • Frame 5
  • LM2500
  • LM5000
  • LM6000
  • LMS100


  • 501D5/D5A
  • 501F
  • 701F


  • 501D5/D5A
  • 501F
  • 501G
  • 701F
  • KN Steam Turbine
  • V

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